Last Updated: March 3rd 2025
Due to certain part shortages, current queue dates may be past your order date dependent on controller type. Our Support team is currently reaching out to affected customers.
- Standard Production
- Quick Picks
- *Quick Pick SmartPad
- Service Center
- Beaver Boost
- Jan. 15th
- Feb. 6th
- Feb. 6th
- Feb. 23th (Boost: Feb. 28nd)
- ~ Limited ~
At Battle Beaver we operate our production lines in several different 'queues', with four or more queues operating at any given time. Every day our Prep team and Production manager coordinate which orders are scheduled to be prepared for technicians to work on. Due to several different product lines each having their own production estimates, it can be complicated to keep track of and ensure the correct orders are being built in the proper order. Each queue is worked on simultaneously by our technician team members, with more specialized members handling orders from our Send-In Services and general technicians working on our less complicated Quick Pick controllers. It is important to understand that due to these separate but interconnected queue lines, our production estimates can fluctuate significantly depending on a few factors.
On a macro scale for example, when we receive large volumes of orders in an area that we were not anticipating, we have to then adjust our production allocations to cover for the unexpected increase of orders. Another way to handle this however, is unfortunately to revise our production estimates for certain products and inform customers of potential delays as we move different resources to meet demand. As we are a small business, sometimes having even just a handful of technicians with bad luck can cause large fluctuations in certain production queues. Even as we follow safety guidelines and cleaning procedures, if a nasty cold or flu is affecting the area then we possibly have delays occurring when large amounts of technicians are home sick. While we understand it is inconvenient for unexpected delays to occur, we ensure everyone that we work tirelessly to overcome these obstacles and return to more acceptable lead times.
On a smaller scale however, while we do build and complete orders by the date they are received, we do have some minor fluctuations based on what our Quality Assurance team finds during the final inspection of controllers. In order to maintain the high standards we have for controller modifications, sometimes an order can be delayed during the production process in order to reach the quality we strive for. Examples of this can be critical issues such as wiring the incorrect input to a rear button, or very subtle things such as the position and pressure activation of a Smart Trigger.
All of these things contribute to the production estimates we have reported above. While some weeks we have larger variations, and some weeks we are able to more swiftly, it is important to trust us that the care and attention we give each controller and customer is to ensure the best quality possible.
The expediting service we named 'Beaver Boost' many years ago is our fun way of allowing customers who are in a rush the opportunity to enter their order into a separate queue and receive their orders more quickly than what their original production estimate would afford them. This service was originally established to help us as a small business afford the additional Overtime that technicians would use to build controllers that were being 'rushed', just as other crafts and services offer.
Some years ago we split our method of offering Beaver Boost into the traditional option being available when building a custom controller, but also as an a la carte item that could be purchased after an order was placed in order to have it entered into the separate Boost Queue to be worked on and completed sooner.
There are times, such as around the holidays, that we suspend our Boost service in order to focus those resources and production hours towards queues that may have been delayed for any reason. For example, after historic sales this 2023 Black Friday, we plan on suspending our boost services until our Standard Production queue is caught up and those delays brought under control. We will communicate on our official channels when Boost is made available again, and if any restrictions are placed on eligible orders.