Battle Beaver Competitor Trade-In Program

As part of an initiative to bring back a much requested and beloved service, we are offering all customers the opportunity to Trade-In their customized controllers from our competitors in exchange for a stackable $50 Gift Card (1:1) towards new Battle Beaver purchases.

Yep, we're taking drifting controllers too

Dropdown Menu Example

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1. Use the Trade-In Form below to submit your information to be included with the controller(s). Once submitted, you will receive an emailed copy of your form. Each controller submitted will need its own Trade-In Form.

2. Package your Trade-In controller(s) with a printed copy of your submitted Trade In Form(s).

3. Ship your controller(s) to:

Battle Beaver Trade-In
ATTN: Trade-In
901 International Pkwy
Ste 200
Richardson TX, 75081

4. Wait to be contacted concerning your trade in status, our Support Team will reach out with confirmation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a qualifying competitor controller that can be traded in?

In addition to customizable controllers such as the Microsoft Elite, DualSense Edge, and Astro C40, we are accepting any custom controller made by our competitors that are modified original 1st-Party controllers (i.e like the controller that comes included with a console).

Can I send in multiple controllers to get more $50 Gift Cards?

Absolutely! You can send in as many qualifying controllers as you want and we will combine all funds into the Gift Card total.

What happens if my trade in controller is rejected?

You will receive an email notification about the recycling of your controller, along with the issues of why it did not meet qualifications. Controllers submitted for Trade In cannot be returned under any conditions once received by Battle Beaver.

What happens if I did not include any paperwork with my trade in controller?

Any controllers received without complete and accurate paperwork will not have a Gift Card issued and be recycled. Controllers submitted for Trade In cannot be returned under any conditions once received by Battle Beaver.

How can I tell if my controller is an original 1st Party controller?

Most custom controller companies will modify original OEM controllers, but some exceptions like the discontinued Scuf Vantage 1 & 2 were built with 3rd Party hardware.

Here are some examples of controllers that would NOT be eligible for trade in:

    All Nintendo controllers (with the exception of Nintendo GameCube controllers)
    PowerA controllers (all are ineligible)
    Scuf Vantage 1 & 2 controllers
    Valve Steam controllers
    Razer Wolverine controllers (V1, V2, V2 Chrome, V2 Pro, etc.)
    SteelSeries Stratus controllers (Stratus+, Nimbus+, Duo, etc.)

If you are unsure of what kind of controller you may have, please reach out to our Support Team:

What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

Please reach out to our Support Team: